Aberdeen Angus Fillet with Glen Dochus Sauce

We’re passionate about bringing you the traditional flavours of Scotland in our five blends of Glen Dochus. But it doesn’t stop there. When it comes to flavoursome, succulent steak fillets, you simply can’t do better than our locally reared Aberdeen Angus. Here’s how to bring some of those mouth-watering flavours together in a dish that’s destined to be your new favourite.
- Halal
- Gluten Free
- 2 Aberdeen Angus fillet steaks
- 40ml Glen Dochus
- 2 tsp black peppercorns
- 30g Scottish butter
- 1tsp Dijon mustard
- 80ml tbsp double cream
- 80g small chestnut mushrooms, halved
- 100ml tbsp chicken or beef stock
- 2 tbsp sunflower oil
- Salt to taste

Step 1
Grind some fresh peppercorns and spread them onto a flat surface. Press your Aberdeen Angus steaks into the crushed peppercorns until they’re well coated on all sides. Season with a little salt too.
Step 2
Put your oil into a large, heavy frying pan on a medium-high heat. Add the peppered steaks and sear until you’ve got a good crust. Turn the steaks once, but don’t move them around too much while you’re cooking or you could lose a lot of the pepper coating.
Step 3
Reduce the heat slightly and add your Scottish butter alongside the steaks. Allow the butter to brown slightly without burning. Pop in the mushrooms and stir them into the butter.
Step 4
Transfer your steaks to a baking tray and leave them in a warm place to rest. This is an important step that allows the meat juices to settle, making the steaks even more tender and juicy. Keep hold of that pan – you’ll need it for the next step.
Step 5
Add your Glen Dochus to the same pan that you used to cook the steaks – there will still be some tasty juices in there. Over a medium heat, add the stock to the Glen Dochus and reduce the mixture until it’s fairly thick, then pour in your velvety double cream and mustard.
Step 6
Keep heating and stirring, getting any remaining pepper or meaty bits off the bottom of the pan. When the sauce is thick, pour in any juices from the resting steaks and give it another stir.
Step 7
Place the rested steaks onto four warm plates and spoon your Glen Dochus sauce over the top of each. Serve with baked potatoes, green beans and a dram or two of Glen Dochus.
Slàinte Mhath.
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